1. A foil head base has been
covered with clay. There is a dent across the eyeline, and the lower
face and brow appear to protrude. |
2. The eyes have been
set - notice the spacing, one eye-width between eyes. A large inverted V-shape has been placed over the lower
face. This will form the base of the nose and cheek fat-pads. |
4. A strip of clay has
been added between the brows for the bridge of the nose. More clay
has been added over the eyes for the eyebrow ridge and upper
eyelid. A small amount of clay beneath the eye forms the lower
lid. The upper lip has been placed. The nose now has nostrils
and sticks out from the fat pads to either side. |
4. A
side view, showing
how the clay is being smoothed out and shaped. Notice how far the
upper lip projects in relation to the nose and chin area. |
5. In this front view,
the lips, cheeks and eyes have been refined. A chin and lower lip
have been
added. |
6. A side-view. showing
how the lips, chin and nose continue to be refined. |
7. The strip of clay
between the brows has at last been formed into the forehead and nose
bridge, creating a slight lump between the eyebrows. |
8. A front view, showing
more texturing around the eyes, nose and mouth. Note fine, faint
ridges on lips. |
9. The finished head. |